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 The pump specifications are based on the nature and transmission of liquid flow and pressure to decide, and the pump speed by the transmission of liquid viscosity and corrosion resistance, as the main parameters to ensure the reliable operation of the pump.

泵的设计转速为输送清水或清水相类似的无腐蚀性液体时允许最高转速,在实际使用中因介质性质与寿命要求不同,选用时一般都应低于设计转速。对高粘度和含颗粒介质,一般采用设计转速的 1/2-1/3 或更低些,低转速对泵的磨损有利,但在使用后由于定子的磨损流量下降,这时可适当提高转速,以补偿流量下降也为常策。
The design speed of the pump is the maximum speed of the liquid or the clear water, which is similar to that of the non corrosive liquid. In the actual use, the media should not be lower than the design speed. For high viscosity and medium containing particles, the general design of 1/2-1/3 or lower speed, low speed is favorable to the wear of the pump, but after using the stator flow due to wear down, then may be appropriate to increase the speed to compensate for constant flow down policy.